Positive attitude helps to work better
Positive and negative Attitude in Workplace
In any organization, there are some people that always find fault in things- they are considered to have a bad attitude. Then, there are people who have a solution to a problem — they are considered to have a good attitude.
Our attitude plays very significant role in shaping our thoughts and behaviour. The good attitude, the positive and the bad attitude, the negative, affects work in any organization.
Persons with positive attitude are welcomed by all in the organization, as they are optimistic, caring, confident, patient and humble; every action of theirs is towards success. As against them, the persons with negative attitude cannot be a good team member. They are generally pessimistic, cannot provide solutions to problems, they tend to be rude, non-cooperative and argumentative.
Irrespective of the attitude of the employees, each one may have troubled days and cannot be happy throughout; the emotions play a great role here. In such cases, it is always advisable not to suppress the emotions; they then tend to turn to be mental-psycho issues.
A positive attitude is thus, a critical component of workplace success.
Without the right attitude, persons with great talent, skill, knowledge cannot achieve their potential.
Persons with positive attitude are caring, confident, patient and humble and form part of happiness in the work ambiance leading to success. They will make the best out of even bad situations, because they are happier, more creative, more productive and even can influence to make others to be positive.
Person with negative attitude cannot be a good team member; he is pessimistic, cannot provide solutions to problems, his overall output would be tardy; often he would be rude and argumentative too.
So, it would be in the interest of any organization that each one there should know the tips to improve attitude. Some are indicated below:
ü Don’t associate with people who have hostile attitudes
ü Practice optimism and positive self-talk (inner voice)
ü Dwell on positives
ü Give others the benefit of the doubt
ü Become a problem-solver
ü Be alert.
ü Utilize self-control
ü Mange stress.
ü Stay physically healthy
ü Empathize
Further, we have to:
ü Control negative thoughts
ü Respond and not react
ü Be optimistic
ü Accept change
ü Learn from mistakes
ü Be gracious, helpful, and kind
ü Value the time
Meditating helps in developing positive attitudes. These would boost confidence, overall happiness.
“If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it, even if I did not have the ability in the beginning.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
For some professions, positive attitude is a must to perform: say for example, while dealing with physically impaired ones, patients, senior citizens. Such attitude helps in providing a healing touch and in guiding to have a healthy lifestyle. It is a society need also.
Now that we know the values of being positive, we should also know how to cultivate a more positive mind-set.
A few things which anyone could do are:
1. Start the day with ‘yes, I can do’ attitude
2. Focus on the good things
3. Find humour even in bad situations
4. Learn from failures
5. Live the present, don’t get blurred on the past
6. Mingle with those who have positive mind-set, who are normally supportive
7. Look for mentors who could guide, encourage you
8. Find, read, assimilate inspirational quotes, messages
9. Even if something goes wrong, find solutions to rectify; also learn to accept the things which you cannot change
10. Share your joy, make others smile.
Now, we have a team of workers with positive attitude; the team leader should be happy, as by then the whole ambiance might have been changed towards:
- A positive environment which accelerates meeting the targets, achieving the goals
- Stress reduction
- Better health
- Increased productivity levels
- Improved customer relations
- Improved teamwork
- Improved decision-making processes
- Challenges are turned to be opportunities
- Improved Interpersonal Relations
Those with positive attitude can also try passing on the quality to others, in the overall interest of the organization. The tricks are not complicated:
Let others, especially those with negative attitude, notice that you:
o always use positive words in conversations,
o are an active listener; and you do seek additional information, clarification only thereafter,
o value points, views of others
o instead of making complaints, provide probable solutions for the issues
o mostly keep smiling
o volunteer to change the mood of others by being funny and by quoting related jokes, anecdotes
Also remember that those with negative attitude can influence adversely the performers, even if they have the competency. They can degrade the overall atmosphere in the office. Deflecting those with negative attitude is a must; the overall success of the organization is related to how best and fast can do this.
Those with positive attitude would know that:
· they have creativity
· they can find solutions
· they will get appreciation for good work from seniors
· their team looks for suggestions, guidance, and they know when and how to share
· they are honest, sincere, trust-worthy
· they are generous, kind hearted, and are of helping nature
· they have and also practise the leadership qualities
“Your attitude can take you forward or your attitude can take you down. The choice is always yours!”
— Catherine Pulsifer
To conclude, let me give below the valuable insights and actionable advice for personal growth and success, as stated by Jeff Keller.
1. Take Responsibility for Your Attitude.
2. Start Your Day Positively.
3. Eliminate Negative Self-Talk.
4. Surround Yourself with Positivity.
5. Set Clear Goals.
6. Visualize Success.
7. Develop Persistence.
8. Cultivate a “Can-Do” Attitude.
9. Maintain a Gratitude Journal.
10. Never Give Up.
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